Rather than a traditional accelerator cable, many modern vehicles use ‘fly by wire’ throttle technology. This system relies on a sensor that measures the pedal pressure and position and sends a signal to the vehicle’s engine computer which converts to acceleration. Many of these fly by wire systems have a noticeable delay. U9 EVC’s allows you to tune the signal from the accelerator pedal with multiple inbuilt settings to ensure you find a setting that suits your driving style, although there are other products on the market that can offer this performance.
So what makes ULTIMATE9 different?
Ultimate mode (U):
Economy mode (E):
Automatic Control mode (AC):
Normal mode (–):
Is it hard to install?
Not at all, it’s a short straight forward process.
Turn ignition off.
Unplug the connector plugged into the accelerator pedal assembly.
Plug the U9 EVC connector into the vehicle’s accelerator pedal. Be cautious not to force into position as this may result in bent pins in the plug.
The U9 EVC connector should fit easily into position. Although removing the accelerator pedal from the firewall is not required, it may make access to the plug on some vehicles easier.
Re-fit connector into the U9 EVC.
Using cable ties supplied, securely mount the U9 EVC cable in a position that will not affect the operation of the pedals.
Mount the control module on the dash in a position that is easy to access.
You may want to check the position at night to ensure the display doesn’t affect night driving.
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